GiveAway Contest Gila Buasir Otak: Komen Terakhir

GiveAway Contest ini akan bermula pada Isnin, 28hb Januari 2013 dan tutup pada Jumaat, 1 Februari 2013. Senarai pusingan harian dan had masa di bawah akan diupdate dari masa ke semasa, dan pemenang harian juga akan diupdate terus, so rajin2lah refresh dan tengok link ini. Jom join !

Wishlist and Willpower

New Year (source:

Every year we made our own wishlist, and you name it...want to be successful,want to lose a few weight and others but the question is, do we have enough willpower to strive? Never mind, we continue to do this on new year and regret it at the end of December